Friday, July 1, 2005

Volunteers Needed for Art Beat in Somerville July 16

The Stitch 'n' Bitch Boston group that meets in Somerville will be participating in Art Beat, an arts festival held in Somerville (Davis Square) each July. We will teach knitting, crochet, and spinning with drop spindles, as well as some specific projects.

We're looking for as many volunteers as possible. Date is Saturday, July 16 (rain date Sunday, July 17). Hours of the festival are 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We'd like to get 3-4 people to do shifts of approximately two hours teaching people to knit, crochet, or spin and/or demonstrating and helping people with projects like:

1. Knitted Square
2. Bracelet
3. Spinning
4. Make knitting needles from chopsticks
5. Twine coaster
6. Drop spindles from CDs
7. Fun fur necklaces
8. "Green Line extensions" (knitted tubes of green yarn, to be worn as hair extensions)
9. Plastic grocery bag floor mats Some kind knitting and/or crocheting with plastic bags
10. Group project (to be determined, possibly an afghan using the squares)
11. Finger knitting for kids
12. Knitting with wire
13. Knitting with

Crocheters and spinners are especially welcome, as we have mostly knitters right now.

If anyone could contribute materials to make any of the projects, that would be great, too. Yarn, unspun fleece, knitting or crochet needles, etc., are needed.

We'll also be displaying finished items in as wide a variety of materials and styles as possible to fit in with this year's Art Beat theme of "Mix and Mash" — mixing different materials, techniques, etc.

If you are interested in volunteering, donating materials, etc., please contact me.



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